Friday, March 13, 2015

Miniature Dollhouse Throw Pillows…

Hand Knitted and Hand Sewn Miniature Throw Pillows

A few weeks ago I received a large box from my wonderful mother. She has been busy…
I opened the box and to my delight were hand knitted miniature dollhouse pillows in "BEAUTIFUL" colors, I can't believe she made so many! I told her she was working too hard, she says, "it keeps me busy".

At least once a week, I receive a package of beautifully handmade miniature knitted and/or sewn items. A few days ago, another package of cotton miniature throw pillows and more throws. Each and everyone is made to perfection. Of course, they will all be listed in my Etsy shop. I'm going to have to call mom and tell her she's making "me" work too hard. More photos to take!

Handmade Knitted Miniature Throw Pillows

Close up of the 2 Styles of Knitted Throw Pillows

Beautiful Handmade Knitted Throw Pillows

Cotton Miniature Dollhouse Throw Pillows

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