Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Simple Towel Tutorial…

How to Make a Miniature Dollhouse Towel out of Fabric

While my towels are drying in the sun. I thought it would I would make a simple tutorial on how I make them. I'm sure the pros have already figured this out, but for the newbies starting out in miniature making, these are fun to make.

Here's are the final results:
Completed Towel Made from Cotton Fabric
(Close up)
A nice addition to a wall shelve
Used towel hanging on shelf

Here's what you need:
Cotton or Linen Fabric
Craft Glue
Straight Pens
A Styrofoam board
Strong Hold Hair Spray

Cotton and Linen work well for this project
Strong Hold Hair Spray

Cut your fabric in a rectangle that measures 1inch x 2inches.
Tip: Sometimes the sides will fray, it's okay to cut the width a little wider and size it after fraying.

Cut rectangle 1inch x 2 inches
Grab a piece of the fabric thread at one end and pull, keep grabbing threads until you achieve the amount of fraying you want. Repeat this step at the other end.
Fray both ends
Pre-fold the sides, add a little glue to seal and fold again, so the towels are nice and neat.
Glue sides and turn over
This is what your towel should look like once you have completed the above steps…pretty easy, right?
Completed towel
 Here's the towel nicely folded. A stack would look great in your mini kitchen or bath.
Nicely folded and ready for the shelve or linen closet.

A handful of towels almost ready for the shelves.
You can make your towels look like they have been used too. (A tip from the LibertyBiberty blog). Wet your towel, lay it down on styrofoam and pin the creases. Spray with super hold hair spray and let it dry.
Water bath, pinned and hairspray to keep shape.
 Remember that handful, here they are drying in the sun.
Drying in the sun.
This is the final result.
Enjoy :)
The finished "used" towel hanging on a shelf. 

1 comment:

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    Fingertip Towel vs Hand Towel
